Angry Bird pig Star Wars II v1.01 Portable

Angry Bird pig Star Wars II v1.01 Portable

Angry Bird pig Star Wars II v1.01 Portable  Download .
Angry Bird pig:
The Force is strong with this one . Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars II - The epic follows the No. 1 hit game! Based on the first episode of the Star Wars movies , use the force for good against the Federation greedy pig or choose a much darker path .Angry Bird pig This is true , for the first time , you can " join the camp pork " and play like the dreaded Emperor Palatine Darth Maul and many other favorites !

Angry Bird pig Features:

Angry Bird Star Wars
    Join the side PIG ! For the first time , play as pigs ! Handled handle Darth Maul, or play as Darth Vader , General Grievous and other nastiest !
    30 + playable characters ! Our best line -up ever playable characters - Yoda , Manikins' producer , Mace Windup, Jingo Fettes and more!
    TELE PODS ! A revolutionary new way to play! Now teleport to your favorite characters in the game by placing Angry Birds Star Wars figures Angry Bird pig* Tele pods the camera of your device!
    Become a Jedi or Smith Master! So many birds and bacon to master levels , plus a chapter award of bonuses and tons of achievements to unlock !
    SWAP characters you play Angry Bird pig? Change character in a sling at any time - you win or buy !
    Stolons READY TO GO! The immensely popular Angry Birds house Tons animated series as well as many other high quality videos Angry Bird Star Wars!

Angry Bird Star Wars
Angry Birds Star Wars Proviso is available for Windows or Mac , now with new characters, new levels, new powers and new ways to play Angry Bird pig.

The latest Angry Bird pig game features 30 playable characters based on the first episode of the Star Wars movies . Follow the story of Star Wars Episodes I- III and Angry Birds introduced versions of iconic characters Angry Bird pig.
Angry Bird Star Wars
Now you can choose to play the bird or pig Side Side. This is to join the camp of pork and pigs play as the fearsome Darth Maul , Emperor Palatine , Darth Assiduous, Jingo Fettes , Battle Droid , Count Doo , Droid and many other favorites Angry Bird pig.